Monday, July 13, 2009

busy day

After like 5 days, the sun has finally come out. But instead of going out to do something productive I have to go get all my documents ready to start working (including physical exam and teeth x-ray - but the last one is not part of my working needs). I also have to open a new bank account. I hate when people go to the store and they pay their grocery with a gold credit card. I always wanted to have one of those just because they treat you like a king if you have one... It's true. I'm going to be the first poor girl to have a gold account number but I'M GOING TO GET A FREAKING GOLD CREDIT CARD TODAY! I don't care how much it will cost me... (bitches!)

1 comment:

  1. hahaha eh real!
    uma vez fui numa loja com uma colega de trabalho e o cartao goldíssimo dela nao passou de primeira, daih veio a gerente e disse pra menina: eh gold, tenta de novo. HAHAHA habla serious. mas no hotel que a gente trabalhava eu pagava pau pra quem tinha aqueles amex preto, de titanio que eles soh dao pra uem movimenta x mil dolares por ano. ANIMAL, pesado, pra fazer barulho quando joga no balcao assim. Aquele barulho de "sim, eu sou foda." bjoo adri
