Friday, July 24, 2009

awful horrible no bueno

C'est la vie!

It has not been the best week for me.. In fact it has been terrible. It all started when I got in Brazil and it's getting worse as the days pass through. Being far from people I want to be around all the time, no independence for anything I want to do and to make it worse, my job has been canceled. Yes, the only thing I was happy about now it's over. Supposedly I was going to start on Monday but they couldn't put me on the schedule for this semester anymore AND NOW I can't go back to school either because the sign up has passed. So yeah.. Let me just say that even sick and with the worst heartache I could ever had... I'm still breathing!

1 comment:

  1. MEU, que pĆ³rcos esses contratantes hein. ://///////

    no independence for anything I want to do - same boat dear!

    coisas cocozentas, saiam daqui agora!

    bjooo adri
